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    WBUQ 91.1 FM Revolution Ruckus is coming to rock Bloomsburg University on Saturday, April 17 from 2-8 PM in the quad between the Sutliff and McCormick buildings.

    The Ruckus will feature a full day of local bands, headlined by national recording artist Paxton. The concert is free to the public. However, free will donations will be accepted to benefit local charities.

    "WBUQ is proud to present a concert to benefit local charities while providing a valuable service to the campus and community," said Greg Albert, General Manager for WBUQ.

    Seven local bands and national recording artist Paxton will perform throughout the six hour Revolution Ruckus. Gauge, Overdrives, PDA, and Paxton will perform on the main stage. Kobra, Velvet Green, Tempers, and Old Blotter will perform on the side stage while the main stage is being set up.

    In addition to the local bands, there will be a raffle and trivia contest. Local business donated the prizes for the raffle.

    "This entire event was completely student planned and student run," said Bryan Klementisz, Remote Director for WBUQ and co-chair of the Revolution Ruckus committee. "We are very proud of the dedicated students who have spent tireless hours to make the Ruckus a success."

    Paxton is currently promoting their self-titled release, and along with all the other bands at the Ruckus, will be performing free of charge as a service to the station and campus.

    The rain date for the Ruckus is the following Saturday, April 24 from 2-8 PM.

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