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    BU grad, Quay Hanna addresses prejudice and violence for WBUQ

    BLOOMSBURG — Quay Hanna, a graduate of Bloomsburg University, appeared on WBUQ 91.1 FM on Tuesday to discuss his unique perspective on prejudice and violence in our country.

    Hanna graduated with a degree in English and decided not to join the job market for a regular 9-to-5 job right out of college. Instead he chose to travel the United States, usually by Greyhound Bus. After his travels he wrote a book called BUS AMERICA: Revelations of a Redneck.

    "We are pleased to have WBUQ serve as a medium of discussion for such important topics as prejudice and violence in the community," said Greg Albert, General Manager for WBUQ 91.1 FM.

    "Our hope is that others in the community will see the station as a valuable resource, and that we will continue to have such influential members of the community on the station," Albert said.

    Hanna is the recommended resource person for the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and a keynote speaker for the National Conference of Christians and Jews and the Lancaster Office of the American Friends Service Committee.

    Hanna's speeches to high school and middle schools all over the United States revolve around racism, discrimination, acceptance and empowerment.

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