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    On Saturday, November 7, WBUQ sponsored a Big Brothers/Big Sisters benefit concert in Kehr Union's Hideaway Lounge featuring Illusions of Grandeur, a Philadelphia-based modern rock/cover band.

    All money collected went to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association in Bloomsburg. WBUQ is matching the audience's donations, dollar-for-dollar, according to Bryan Klementisz, Remote Director for WBUQ.

    "This is the first of many benefit concerts for the charity," said Greg Albert, Specialty Director.

    "We appreciate everyone who supported the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization," Klementisz said.

    Klementisz represents WBUQ at the YMCA every Saturday night for Teen Night, playing music for children between 12 and 15 years of age. In the past, Klementisz has organized remote broadcasts at blood drives and other campus events.

    "As part of our commitment as a campus and community-oriented radio station, WBUQ will have many more remote broadcasts and other functions to benefit the community in the future," Albert said. "This benefit just gives the station another chance to get closer to the community."

    Illusions of Grandeur has been promoting their recent self-titled release. While the band does perform a fair amount of cover songs in concert, their recent release is completely original music, according to Klementisz.

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