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    frequently asked questions (faq)

    The frequently asked questions (faq) section contains everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask. Well, apparently, not everyone was to afraid to ask... otherwise, there'd be no faq section. But I digress.

    Where did you grow up?

    I grew up in a small suburb outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. My father is an accountant, my mother is a teacher and my sister is in grad school.

    Where did you go to college?

    I went to college at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, a school of 8,000 students in central Pennsylvania.

    I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a 3.8 GPA with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications and a specialization in Public Relations.

    What did you do while you were at school?

    I was the General Manager of WBUQ 91.1 FM, the campus radio station, for almost two years. Before that, I was a music director for a year, and I worked as a DJ for three and a half years.

    I worked as the webmaster for The Voice, the university newspaper for a couple of years and as the webmaster for the Mass Communications Department where I created an online scheduling application for the students.

    During my last three semesters, I worked remotely for Lucent Technologies doing ColdFusion web development and communications strategy.

    I also worked for a year as a Faculty Computer Consultant doing computer troubleshooting for Academic Computing.

    Needless to say, I was busy.

    I'm an employer and there's nothing that I'd like more than to give you a job and pay you lots of money. Are you interested?

    I suppose I could be pursuaded. Feel free to look at my employment section which has my portfolio, résumé and writing samples.

    What is the deal with all of the lowercase headings throughout the site? For a guy with a communications degree, you should know better.

    It's just a design element, I swear. I do know better.

    I've heard that you really like different kinds of music. I'm intrigued. Tell me more. Who is your favorite artist? What's your favorite song? album?

    Well, you heard right. When I worked at a music store in high school, I really broadened my musical interests.

    I don't like a lot of the newer stuff that's out right now. It just seems so commercial to me. I like the 70s and 80s. Sure, the 80s were commercial, but you can't go wrong with songs like "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" and "The Safety Dance." I like some of the newer stuff, though. I'm a big fan of Save Ferris, Phish, etc.

    I'm a big fan of 70s folk, like James Taylor, who is my favorite artist. I've been to five of his concerts, which were all excellent. I also like Jimmy Buffett, Huey Lewis, Carole King, Bread, Dan Fogelberg. And the list goes on.

    I'm also into some of the classic vocals like Frank Sinatra. For my money, I don't know if there's a better song that "I Won't Dance" or "Luck Be a Lady" by Old Blue Eyes. And, for a total change of pace, I really enjoy Curtis Mayfield, the Commodores, and Parliament Funkadelic.

    I think the best album ever made was Metallica's Black (Untitled) album. I can listen to that straight through from beginning to end for hours. Pearl Jam's "10" and U2's "Joshua Tree" rank 2 and 3, I think.

    I read a couple of your columns in the employment section, and from what I've read, you're a jerk. Does everyone hate you?

    I certainly hope that everyone doesn't hate me. The columns that I wrote at Bloomsburg University were written to stir up controversy and to get people thinking. Sometimes my opinion was popular, sometimes it wasn't. I didn't write the column to make friends. I wrote it because I believed in what I said and I thought that someone needed to say something.

    Yeah, but that doesn't answer my question. Are you like that in real life?

    OK, OK. I'd say that I do have an opinion about a lot of things. That doesn't always mean that I always share it, either. I try to let others talk and tell me what they think about things. I always learn considerably more that way. If anything, the column reinforced in me the respect for other people's opinions.

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